Wednesday, 19 June 2019

Potters Gilder

What is fascinating in the families is the different occupations. Each family branch seems to have worked in a particular industry, because of where they lived and the jobs available in that area.

The first of these posts about occupations is Potters Gilder (or Guilder).

Gilding is the application of gold to the pottery ware. The gold applied is very thinly and usually applied on top of the glaze (which means that it can be rubbed off - so care is needed). It was classed as a skilled job and was usually done by women.

So far I have found 5 people who have at some point listed their occupation as that of Potters Gilder.

Elizabeth Baddaley (1845-1914)
Sarah Ann Hassall (1868-1951)
Elizabeth Hudson (1868-1928)
Florence Hassall (1876-1968)
Mary Maria Beardmore (1869-    )

I thought it might be interesting to show how we are related:

Elizabeth Baddaley - my 2nd great grandmother

Sarah Ann Hassall - my 2nd great aunt
William Hassall and Sarah Ann Alcock were the parents of Sarah Ann and my 2nd great grandparents

Elizabeth Hudson - my 2nd great aunt
John Hudson and Elizabeth Baddaley were the parents of Elizabeth and my 2nd great grandparents

Florence Hassall - my 2nd great aunt
William Hassall and Sarah Ann Alcock were the parents of Florence and my 2nd great grandparents

Mary Maria Beardmore - my 1st cousin, 3 times removed
William Hassall and Mary Hassall were the grandparents of Mary Maria and my 3rd great grandparents

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