The article is from the Kildare Observer and Eastern Counties Advertiser 01 June 1889, page 6
The transcription reads:
Benjamin Boushell summoned a neighbour of his, Mrs Toole, for wilful and malicious damage to the extent of 10s to his garden.
Complainant swore that defendant's daughter was trespassing on his potatoes. He went to speak to her about it, when her mother said she would tear up potatoes, cabbage plants and everything else in the garden. Tow or three mornings afterwards he found the cabbage plants, &c, torn up and destroyed. He showed them to Constable Howard.
Chairman - Who took up this cabbage?
Complainant - I must think it was this woman did it, because she told me she would do it.
Chairman - But you didn't see her do it?
Complainant - No; but she told me she'd do it.
Major Moore - Was it long before that that she threatened to destroy the garden? Three days before.
Complainant's son, Patk. Boushell corroborated.
Constable Howard said he saw the damage, and from its appearance he believed it was done maliciously.
The defendant denied all knowledge of the damage whatsoever.
She was fined 6d and to pay 2s compensation and costs.
Benjamin Boushell (1818-1898) is Dermot's 3rd great grandfather, he would have been 71 when the article was written.
Patrick Boushell (1837-1918) is Dermot's 2nd great grandfather.
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